ExtraEFI - MS2X Expansion Card

Sequential Fuel......Bluetooth....Cam input....

This is an extra board that plugs into the main board, under the MS2 daughter board, making the MS ECU 3 layers high:
1: Main board (V3.0 or V3.57)
2: MS2X Expansion Board
3: MS2 Daughter Board

4cy Wiring Diagram

6cy Wiring Diagram

8cy Wiring Diagram

This option is only available for the MS2-Extra ECU and it gives you the following inputs and outputs:

2 x Injector Bank Drivers - Each bank is capable of driving up to 2 High Impedance Injectors (NOT Lo-Impedance)
This gives the MS2 ECU 4 banks of injectors, so a 4cy can run sequential fuel, or a V8 semi-seq.

BlueTooth Comms - Enabling you to use a Tablet, Smart phone, (Android, Apple) for communication, tuning, datalogging and virtual dashboard, etc.

2 x Logic Level Inputs -They can be used to control options like Launch, N2O, switch maps, etc. (12V in to switch feature)

1 x Medium Current Output - For controlling relays (e.g. cooling fan, NOS, etc) tacho, warning light, etc.

1 x High Current Output - This can control relays, as well as directly connect to an Idle valves, Boost valves, up to 3A.

1 x ADC input - 0-5V inputs for second O2, etc.

1 x VR sensor input - This gives the ECU a total of 2 trigger inputs, e.g. one for the cam and one for the crank.

There are limits to the amount of I/O that the MS2 ECU can have connected. So not all the above can be used together in some cases.Please Email me with your requirements for more information.



If your interested in a DIY option, please Email me for more info on prices of these in kit form or built up to your requirements,
this is for the more experienced among you all.

Download the Build Manual HERE

MS2X Card DIY Options:


Below is very important information - PLEASE READ

It is very important that you ensure your settings have "Additional Drivers" selected here when theres an MS2X card installed with injector drivers.

To run Batch fuel set Sequential Injection to "Untimed" this will fire Bank 1 and Bank 2 Injectors in a batch fuel system, 2 banks of fuel outputs. (2 on the main board).

To run Semi or Sequential Fuel set "Sequential Injection to Sequential / Semi-Sequential." This will fire 3 (6cy) or 4 (4 or 8cy) injector banks. (2 on main board and the others on the MS2X card).

4 cy Sequential Setting:
6cy Semi-Sequential Setting:
8cy Semi-Sequential Setting:

For an MS3 ECU see the MS3X Expansion Card available here

MegaSquirt Engine Management Prices